Optimal Achievement Program

2 sessions with 4 distinct modules over a full day.

This is designed to cut stress – racing thoughts, distraction, poor concentration etc. and keep stress low. Then to improve communication abilities to reduce flash points of conflict and frustration that builds when people differ about what was stated.

Using advanced goal setting skills, taking into account the psychology of the human mind, we equip staff to be better able to prioritize and achieve more with less effort, before moving into skills for utilizing their time in the most efficient way to remain calm and work to a better result.

Click Here for full details



Employee Talent Development

Gaining a clear understanding of performance expectations is an ever increasing challenge for both employers and employees. Our dynamic work environment can often leave employers struggling to understand the talent needed to meet new challenges of the business while employees are often left feeling frustrated their talents are not been utilised effectively or not at all.

We with employers to accuracy identify the attributes a candidate needs to be successful in any roles that emerge. The most suitable candidates can then be identified from the employers existing talent pool or from a panel of candidates provided from recruitment specialists. In addition to this employees can be assessed to help both employer and employee understand their level of suitability to their current role and career path options. A picture of their talents and developmental areas will be clearly established and a suitable development plan can be agreed to help them fulfil their potential towards the most appropriate career path.

For details contact Padraig at Padraig@achievementFulfilment.com


NLP Practitioner for business

NLP has long been established as a successful skill set to master emotions and to communicate more effectively. Using the conscious and unconscious elements of human interaction we can change the experience to our benefit.

Understanding the mind’s methods of building and maintaining passion, motivation, focus, and confidence, among other facets of our mental state brings huge benefits and results. Being able to spot opportunities and avoid problems by reading body language cues, unconscious signals in language, and understanding our own subjective experience of the world to create positive change for ourselves and others is just part of what this training delivers.

NLP is the study of excellence. Our practitioner training is fully internationally accredited by the Society of NLP.

For details contact John at John@achievementFulfilment.com