Many things can feel like similar things so how would someone know if they might be suffering stress?

Here’s 6 common ways it shows itself:

1. Stress comes about when more pressure and bad feeling is taken on-board than we can deal with. It grows slowly in many cases so it can be hard to notice, but there are several sure signs not to ignore. The most common one is becoming irritable, short with people, and a feeling of frustration or anger.

2. Low energy, lack of motivation, and disinterest in things where previously we felt more motivated is a very common sign of stress.

3. Constantly being on alert, noticing small detail, worrying about little things and finding that the mind is always busy are also things that can help us spot it.

4. A big, and often damaging feeling is one of not being as confident, having lower self esteem or valuing ourselves less. Negative beliefs like ‘I’m bad at this’, ‘no one can be trusted’, ‘the office is always bad’ and so on can occur.

5. Anticipating bad feeling and creating more in advance is where many people notice it. Sunday night becoming a time of worry so its as bad or worse than Monday morning, or having a knot in the stomach for days before a meeting are the kind of thing this creates in life.

6. A feeling of ‘what’s the point’ and not wanting to help ourselves sometimes comes with stress, but stress is controllable and can easily be reduced when we decide it’s important enough for us to make change a priority.

The big question, in my opinion, isn’t what label we put on it, but simple seeing clearly where is the opportunity to improve things.

Whatever is present, is it something worth working towards changing? Defining the issue in a more objective way allows us to tackle it and to plan ways to make progress, rather than just react to any bad feeling.

Have a look at how things can get better, then make a plan to act.

Every best wish for success.

As always feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or if you’d like to chat about how life can improve. Tel: 085

Have a great day.

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