Our Key training is a full day of four modules designed to neutralize the most common flash points and empower the delegates to control the causes of low productivity, stress, conflict, and miscommunication.


We start by taking advantage of the Neuroscience of Stress to create an easier and more successful approach in the Direct Stress Reduction Module:


Direct Stress Reduction

Using proven & immediate stress reduction techniques we can guide the delegates through a 90 minute program which directly reduces stress by lowering the level of Stress Hormone (Primarily Cortisol) in the brain (1). Just a single element of this has been shown to yield an average reduction in stress hormone (the messenger the brain uses to create the feelings we know as stress, overwhelm, worry, etc.) by 25%-40% immediately.

This skills based approach gives delegates the tools to use straight away and for the rest of their careers.

By dialing down the level of stress right at the start we are able to get better focus, attention, engagement, and memory retention during the day. Our unique blending of Psychotheraputic techniques and business skills gives us an extremely powerful offering to help.

Recognizing that people attending may be suffering stress makes it all the more important to give them control right at the start. Once they can feel the difference people have confidence in they skills and are more likely to take full advantage of the training they receive.


Communication with Clarity

With a lower stress level we now move to neutralize the most frequent and toxic cause of a huge amount of workplace discord; miscommunication. Our cognitive biases mislead us to thinking information we’ve given is clear when often it’s open to misinterpretation (2) as well as placing other impediments get in the way of clarity.

The situation of ‘I told you to do x’ being replied to with ‘No you said y’ is both common and avoidable. Poor communication can lead to micro-management, disagreements, missed deadlines, and a feeling of ongoing pressure and blame.

Using a simple communication model which delegates can learn, practice, and be comfortable with in a short space of time, we train the attendees in how to simply reach a common and verified understanding in seconds so as to reduce misinterpretation and the frustration that goes with it.

This can give greater sense of control, participation, and value in their experience within the interaction, thus yielding greater buy-in in projects, more creativity and enthusiasm, as well as greater productivity.


Goal Setting for Achievement

Armed with the skills to have a low-stress and good communication environment we focus on making sure the time available is being used to deliver high-value results. The ability to correctly define, plan, track, and deliver on projects is vital to productivity, and it also generates a sense of value and achievement for the person themselves, as well as results for the business.

Being skilled in how to implement goal-setting at whatever level of the project a person is at is a crucial tool.

A lack of clarity in organizing how tasks will be accomplished can be disastrous, seeing time wasted on less important elements, failing to notice important elements, prioritizing time without seeing where it will benefit most etc. By having the skills to quickly and efficiently visualize, plan, and sanity check goals we can achieve much more and gain greater fulfilment and success in out careers.


Time Mastery

How we use our time, once we are clear on what we should be working on, and able to communicate well with others becomes the next pillar of building a more successful working life and achieving more for oneself and the business we work in.

In this final module we train delegates on:

Using their time to achieve more.
Feeling relaxed and in control.
Being more productive, enabling you to get more done in less time.
Reduce stress; increasing health and well-being.

At the end of this day your staff will have the training to allow themselves keep stress lower, have better focus, creativity, enthusiasm, and productivity while accomplishing more for themselves and your business.

A happier more efficient work environment where people have greater feelings of control, value, and achievement is our goal.

The unique blending of psychology and business structure gives us this hugely powerful offering.

For details and or arrange a program for your business please contact us.


Advanced training for Managers and custom programs are also available. Please contact us to discuss your requirements and we’ll be happy to tailor a solution for you.


(1) Cuddy, Amy J.C., Caroline A. Wilmuth, and Dana R. Carney. “The Benefit of Power Posing Before a High-Stakes Social Evaluation.” Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-027, September 2012.

(2) One example of such a cognitive bias is ‘The Curse of Knowledge’.  hbr.org/2006/12/the-curse-of-knowledge